Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why waste your life on being stuck in the past?

"Why waste your life being stuck on the past or being mad about things?" This has been the one thing that has helped me get though the last 2 weeks of my life. It's been a hard last 2 weeks. Every part of this quote is true. I have more things to worry about then being stuck in the past or being mad. After I heard this quote it really made me want to serve more. It could be smiling at some or going and sitting with them at lunch. I did both of these and I was shocked at how many dirty looks I got. But I'm proud of my decision. And I really just want to make a difference in those life's of people that are having hard times!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


My summer has been..... More amazing then most summers of the past!!!!!! :) But I only got to see him a handful of times. :/  Thanks everyone who made my summer memorable!!! :)

Thank you for being there for me! :) Love you! I'm sorry for ever lying to you or being a brat!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Why is it that every time we plan something fun, she has to take over. UGH!!! : / Some people... I guess thing have changed

Any way! School starts soon! Can't wait to see him. And start over again! : ) <3

Friday, August 5, 2011

Girls Camp!

Today I got back from girls camp! I loved every single moment of it. It was truly amazing! The spirit there was so strong. I am forever changed. I will never forget the thing that happened there or the feeling's that I felt. I love everyone that went to girls camp and everyone that helped make my experience so amazing! I will never doubt myself or anyone else ever again. My faith and testimony were strengthened a ton! 

I will always and forever S.T.A.N.D. Stand.Tall.And.Never.Doubt. Camp Abish 2011